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Can Two Routers Have The Same SSID?

Can Two Routers Have The Same SSID

Discover can two routers have the same SSID, enhancing your understanding of home network configuration for seamless Wi-Fi connectivity and device roaming. Learn the implications, benefits, and potential challenges of using identical SSIDs across multiple routers in your network setup.


A router’s configuration is fundamental to determining the strength and efficiency of an internet connection in the context of home networking. SSIDs, or Service Set Identifiers, are the names of wireless networks visible to devices searching for connections. The question that often arises in this context is, “Can two routers have the same SSID?”. 

At first glance, setting the same SSID across multiple routers may seem like a simple solution to simplify network management and enhance connectivity. In reality, however, this concept presents a complex interplay of advantages and technical challenges. 

In this discussion, we will delve into the implications of using identical SSIDs across multiple routers, investigate the potential benefits of seamless device roaming, and address the challenges that could arise in such a setup, thus providing an in-depth understanding of this fascinating aspect of home network configuration.

Can two routers have the same SSID?

The SSID (Service Set Identifier) of two routers in a Wi-Fi network may be the same for both routers, which is often done to create a seamless and extended Wi-Fi network in larger spaces or buildings. In a network with the same SSID, devices can roam between the routers, and the network appears to connect devices as a single, continuous one.

As a result, it is important to configure the routers correctly to avoid interference and connectivity problems. To accomplish this, the following steps should be followed:

  • Use different channels: You must ensure that each router operates on a different Wi-Fi channel to prevent interference. There are several channels in the 2.4 GHz band and several channels in the 5 GHz band that are commonly used.
  • Set the same security settings: You should ensure that both routers use the same encryption method (e.g., WPA2 or WPA3) and the same passphrase or key for security. This will allow devices to seamlessly connect as they move between access points.
  • Adjust transmit power: There may be a need to adjust the transmit power of each router to prevent overlap and interference. Lower the power if the routers are close together, and increase it if they are far apart.
  • Separate wired connections: Connect the routers using Ethernet cables if possible to create a wired backbone between them. This can improve the overall performance of the network.

With the help of these guidelines, you can create a Wi-Fi network with multiple routers sharing the same SSID while maintaining a smooth and reliable user experience.

Benefits of Using the Same SSID

Can Two Routers Have The Same SSID
Can Two Routers Have The Same SSID

There are several advantages to using the same SSID (Service Set Identifier) across multiple WiFi access points or routers in a network.

  • Seamless Roaming: Your devices can seamlessly transition between different access points without having to be manually reconnected. This allows you to maintain uninterrupted connectivity throughout your home or office as you move around.
  • Extended Coverage: Wi-Fi coverage can be extended to areas that may have had weak or no signal using multiple access points with the same SSID. This is particularly useful in larger homes, offices, or buildings where there is a widespread network.
  • Load Balancing: By automatically connecting to the access point with the strongest signal, network traffic can be distributed more evenly and fewer access points can be overloaded.
  • Redundancy: Access points can automatically connect to another available access point with the same SSID if one fails or experiences issues, ensuring network reliability.
  • Simplified Network Management: In a network with the same SSID, you only have to configure one Wi-Fi profile on your devices, which reduces the complexity of managing multiple network names and passwords.
  • Better User Experience: The user does not have to manually select multiple networks or remember multiple SSIDs, which is more convenient and user-friendly.
  • Single Network Name: Having the same SSID for all access points creates a single network name that is easy for users to recognize and connect to.
  • Guest Network: You can set up a separate guest network with its own SSID while keeping the main network consistent. This enhances security and isolation for guest devices.
  • Easier Troubleshooting: With a unified SSID, troubleshooting network issues becomes more straightforward since there’s only one network to monitor and configure.
  • Compatibility: Most modern devices are designed to work well with networks that have the same SSID, making it a compatible and widely used configuration.

Overall, using the same SSID across multiple access points offers a more convenient, reliable, and efficient Wi-Fi experience for users, especially in environments where extended coverage and seamless roaming are essential.

Steps to Set Up Two Routers with the Same SSID

Setting up two routers with the same SSID involves configuring them as access points to create a seamless and extended Wi-Fi network. Here are step-by-step instructions to achieve this:

Note: In this guide, I assume that you have already set up your primary router connected to the internet and that the second router is connected to the primary router via an Ethernet cable.

Step 1: Access Router Settings

  • Connect a computer to the second router using an Ethernet cable or connect to its default Wi-Fi network (if available).
  • Open a web browser and enter the router’s IP address in the address bar. The default IP address is often printed on a label on the router (e.g., or Press Enter.

Step 2: Disable DHCP on the Second Router

  • Log in to the second router’s web interface using the admin username and password. These credentials are usually printed on the router or provided by the manufacturer.
  • Locate the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) settings in the router’s configuration menu.
  • Disable the DHCP server on the second router. This ensures that the primary router handles IP address assignment for all devices on the network.

Step 3: Set a Static IP Address for the Second Router

  • In the second router’s settings, assign a static IP address within the same subnet as the primary router. For example, if the primary router’s IP address is, you can set the second router’s IP address to
  • Ensure that the subnet mask matches the primary router’s subnet mask, typically
  • Save the changes and reboot the second router.

Step 4: Configure the Wireless Settings

  • Go to the wireless settings section of the second router’s web interface.
  • Set the SSID (network name) to the same SSID as your primary router. This ensures that both routers broadcast the same network name.
  • Use the same security settings (e.g., WPA2 or WPA3) and passphrase as the primary router to maintain security consistency.
  • Ensure that the wireless channels are different from each other. You can use a Wi-Fi scanning tool to identify the least congested channel for the second router.
  • Save the wireless settings.

Step 5: Connect the Second Router

  • Disconnect the Ethernet cable between the computer and the second router (if connected).
  • Connect an Ethernet cable from one of the LAN ports on the primary router to one of the LAN ports on the second router. Do not use the WAN/Internet port on the second router.
  • Power on the second router.

Step 6: Test the Configuration

  • Ensure that both routers are functioning properly.
  • Connect your Wi-Fi devices to the network with the shared SSID. They should automatically switch between routers as you move around your home or office.

By following these steps, you can set up two routers with the same SSID, effectively creating an extended Wi-Fi network that provides seamless roaming and better coverage.


What happens if two WiFi has the same SSID?

When expanding your Wi-Fi network, you can employ two routers with the same SSID. You should, however, configure one router as the network administrator and the other as a bridge connected to the main router.

Is it OK to have 2 routers on the same network?

It may be advantageous to use two Wi-Fi routers if your house is large, or if you have a lot of devices on your network. A second router will allow you to increase your internet coverage and capacity, thereby resolving a wide variety of Wi-Fi problems at home.

Can 2 access points have the same SSID?

When configuring a network with multiple access points (APs), it is advisable to utilize a consistent service set identifier (SSID) across all of them. When users search for a connection, they will come across the SSID as the name of your Wi-Fi network. Employing the same SSID simplifies the process for users, allowing them to connect more easily to the appropriate network.

Does SSID need to be unique?

While SSIDs are meant to be distinct, this isn’t always guaranteed, especially when routers of the same make and model often come with similar or identical default SSIDs. Therefore, if a neighbour happens to have the same router model as yours, there’s a chance of sharing the same SSIDs. This is why we advise changing your SSID during the router setup process.

Is it better to have one SSID or two?

In summary, it is recommended to use separate SSIDs and to select frequencies based on your specific devices and activities.


Two routers can have the same SSID (Service Set Identifier), and this configuration can be advantageous for creating an extended and seamless Wi-Fi network. However, it’s crucial to set up and manage the routers carefully, considering factors like interference, compatibility, security, and network administration to ensure a reliable and efficient Wi-Fi experience. 

While sharing the same SSID offers benefits such as seamless roaming and extended coverage, it also poses certain risks and considerations that should be taken into account during setup and maintenance. Ultimately, the decision to use the same SSID for multiple routers should align with your specific networking needs and goals.

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