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Setting Up The Cisco RV110W Router As A Repeater

Setting Up The Cisco RV110W Router As A Repeater

Unlock extended Setting Up The Cisco RV110W Router As A Repeater as a repeater. Follow our simple guide to eliminate dead zones and enjoy a stronger, more reliable network throughout your space. Enhance your connectivity with ease!


When you set up the Cisco RV110W router as a repeater, you are opening yourself up to the opportunity of having an enhanced wireless network experience. In the digital age, where connectivity is paramount, you must turn your router into a repeater to conquer dead zones and extend the reach of your Wi-Fi network. By following this guide, you will be able to demystify the process so that you can enhance the coverage of your network more easily and efficiently. This article will take you through the process of turning your Cisco RV110W router into a powerful repeater as we delve into the world of enhancing your connectivity game.

Setting up the Cisco RV110W router as a repeater

On the Cisco webpage, there is a guide for configuring the Wireless Distribution System (WDS) settings of the RV110W router. Here’s a summary of what you need to do:

  • Access WDS Settings: Use the web configuration utility and navigate to Wireless > WDS.
  • Enable WDS: Check the box labeled “Allow wireless signal to be repeated by a repeater.”
  • Select Detection Mode:
    • Click the “Auto” radio button for the RV110W to automatically detect remote access points.
    • Alternatively, click “Manual” to manually enter the MAC address of the device that will repeat the signal. (If you choose Auto, skip to step 9.)
  • Site Survey (Optional): Click “Show Site Survey” to view all available networks.
  • Refresh Network List (Optional): Click “Refresh” to update the network table.
  • Select Networks (Optional): Check the boxes of up to three networks you wish to repeat.
  • Connect Networks (Optional): Click “Connect” to add the MAC addresses of the selected networks to the MAC address fields.
  • Enter MAC Address: In any empty MAC address field, enter the MAC address of a network you want to connect to.
  • Save or Cancel: Click “Save” to apply the changes or “Cancel” to discard them.

This guide is specifically for the RV110W model and is aimed at expanding the network area by connecting multiple access points wirelessly through WDS settings.

Benefits of Using a Repeater

It is becoming increasingly evident in the rapidly evolving landscape of wireless networking that the use of repeaters is an important strategy to increase connectivity and overcome the challenges posed by signal limitations in order to achieve the best possible results. In spite of the fact that you might be in a sprawling office space or a cozy home, a repeater offers a multitude of benefits, ensuring that your online experience is enhanced and seamless. As we examine the advantages of these devices in the world of networking, let’s find out what makes them so indispensable.

Extended Coverage:

You can extend the coverage of your existing Wi-Fi network by using repeaters, which is the primary advantage of repeaters. By strategically placing a repeater in an area with weak signal reception, you can bridge this gap and ensure that you have a consistent, high-quality connection throughout your space by strategically placing the repeater in that area. It is especially valuable in large homes or offices where signals may be degraded in particular corners.

Elimination of Dead Zones:

When you introduce a repeater to your home, you are able to avoid dead zones, those frustrating areas where your Wi-Fi signal disappears. There are a variety of devices that can bring life to neglected corners, ensuring that each nook and cranny is able to receive a strong and reliable signal. Regardless of whether you are streaming, gaming, or conducting important video conferences, this translates to an uninterrupted online experience for you.

Improved Signal Strength:

In general, the repeater acts as a signal amplifier that captures the existing Wi-Fi signal and amplifies it, thus increasing the signal strength by a substantial amount. As a result, users will benefit from faster internet speeds and improved performance for all their online activities. As a result, they will have a stronger and more stable connection, reducing the incidence of dropped signals and slow data transfer speeds.

Cost-Effective Solution:

Setting Up The Cisco RV110W Router As A Repeater
Setting Up The Cisco RV110W Router As A Repeater

If you wish to improve the reach of your network without having to purchase additional routers or additional networking equipment, repeaters are a cost-effective alternative. By doing so, they provide a cost-effective and convenient way of addressing coverage issues without the need for extensive infrastructure changes or complicated installation procedures.

Easy Installation and Configuration:

Despite the fact that repeater devices are designed with user-friendly interfaces, they are easily accessible to those who do not have a lot of technical expertise. Installation is usually quite straightforward, involving only a few simple steps to configure the device to your existing network. Thus, users will be able to set up their repeaters in a matter of minutes and enjoy all the benefits without having to worry about unnecessary technical difficulties.

Adaptability to Changing Environments:

One of the notable advantages of repeaters is that they adapt to evolving network needs. When your usage or space requirements change, you can reposition or add repeaters to optimize coverage as your network needs change. The flexibility of this network allows you to tailor it to meet the specific needs of your environment, ensuring a consistently strong and reliable connection regardless of the circumstances.

Tips for Multiple Repeaters

No doubt, deploying multiple repeaters strategically can play an important role in ensuring a seamless networking environment. However, deploying multiple repeaters strategically requires a thoughtful approach to ensure optimal performance and coverage. 

Strategic Placement is Key:

Multiple repeaters can be very effective if strategically placed. Prior to installing, conduct a thorough survey of your space to identify weak signal areas. Create an overlapped network between coverage zones by positioning each repeater strategically, thereby minimizing signal interference and ensuring a seamless transition between coverage zones.

Mindful Channel Selection:

There are several factors to consider in order to prevent interference between repeaters. Modern routers and repeaters often provide an automatic channel selection feature, however manual channel configuration can further optimize performance. Consider the channels used by nearby Wi-Fi networks when choosing channels with minimal interference.

Maintain Consistent SSID and Security Settings:

Maintain consistency in your network’s SSID (Service Set Identifier) and security settings in order to ensure a seamless roaming experience for your devices. By using the same network name and security protocols across all repeaters, devices are able to seamlessly transition from one coverage area to another without requiring manual reconfiguration.

Optimal Signal Overlap:

For a smooth handoff between coverage zones, it is essential to achieve optimal signal overlap between repeaters. Maintain a signal overlap between repeaters of around 10-15% to ensure devices are able to switch seamlessly without experiencing connectivity disruptions. This meticulous calibration contributes to the continuity and uninterrupted use of the system.

Update Firmware Regularly:

Regularly check for firmware updates provided by your repeater manufacturer to ensure that your repeaters are up-to-date. Keeping all repeaters updated with the latest firmware helps maintain network stability and guards against potential vulnerabilities. Firmware updates often provide performance enhancements, bug fixes, and security improvements.

Consider Dual-Band Repeaters:

Suppose you are operating Wi-Fi networks with multiple devices. In that case, you should invest in dual-band repeaters that can operate at both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies to maximize your available spectrum and reduce congestion. In addition to providing enhanced performance and flexibility in adapting to changing network conditions, dual-band repeaters can also provide enhanced performance.

Monitor Network Traffic:

Monitoring your network traffic regularly will assist you in identifying potential congestion and bottlenecks. Using network monitoring tools, identify heavy traffic zones and adjust repeater placement or configurations accordingly, enabling you to maintain optimal network performance by analyzing data usage patterns, identifying heavy traffic zones, and making necessary adjustments.


Is it possible to use multiple Cisco RV110W routers as repeaters to cover a larger area?

Using multiple routers as repeaters can provide you with a network with extended coverage. Each router should be configured individually in repeater mode.

Do I need any additional equipment to set up the Cisco RV110W as a repeater?

If you only need a computer to access the router’s interface, the Cisco RV110W and a computer are usually sufficient. Be sure that you have the router’s login credentials.

Can I revert the Cisco RV110W back to its normal router mode after setting it up as a repeater?

There is the option of switching from router mode to repeater mode. To do so, access the router’s interface and adjust the settings accordingly.

Will using the Cisco RV110W as a repeater affect the speed of my original Wi-Fi network?

In general, although the additional hop might contribute to a slight reduction in speed, the impact is generally minimal. Proper placement and configuration can minimize any noticeable impact.

What steps should I take if I want to disconnect the Cisco RV110W from the extended network and use it as a standalone router again?

Access the router’s interface, navigate to the repeater settings, and disable the repeater mode. This will revert the Cisco RV110W to its standalone router configuration.


Transforming your Cisco RV110W router into a repeater opens the door to a world of expanded connectivity. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you’ve empowered your router to bridge gaps, eliminate dead zones, and provide a robust Wi-Fi signal throughout your space. The seamless integration of your router as a repeater not only enhances coverage but also contributes to a more reliable and efficient network experience. Embrace the amplified capabilities of your Cisco RV110W and enjoy a strengthened connection that effortlessly reaches every corner of your home or office.

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